Thursday, August 13, 2009

Return to Australia

Australia is a big continent. I think, as Americans, we have this perception that Australia is this island continent that you can hop from one place to the next in just a matter of an hour or two, but that's really not true. Australia is the size of the continental United States, so it's about a five hour flight cross-country.

All five state capitals are on the coast, which means amazing seafood in the cities and the center is a lot of nothing except for Ayers Rock - a huge red piece of rock in the middle of the Outback. (Alien outpost? Probably.) That big chunk on the left, Western Australia, is three times the size of Texas and occupies half of the continent, but only has 2 million people. 1.7 of which live in Perth. That just gives you a sense of the expansive nature of Australia.

The red line on the map was my 30-day route through Australia. I think I've seen more of Australia than I have of the United States, but it still feels like I've just touched the surface of both countries - which is why I'm buying the all-you-can-fly Jet Blue ticket for $599. (See post below)

Just kidding. I wish.

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